Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
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Master en Logistique et Gestion de la Chaîne d'Approvisionnement

The Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management offers is a two-year program for graduates aiming to enhance their expertise in global logistics and supply chain operations. The curriculum combines theoretical foundations with practical applications, preparing students to tackle complex challenges confidently. With guidance from faculty and industry experts, participants gain mastery in international trade, management control, and finance. Focusing on real-world scenarios and innovative methodologies, graduates are prepared to lead organizational success in the dynamic field of supply chain management.

Official certificate awarded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy

Official Certificate

Official Certificate Awarded by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy




2000 Hours


Year 1

  1. Spanish language in A1,A2,B1 in the University of Valencia.
  2. Professional development certificate in international trade.

Year 2

  1. Spanish language in B2 in the University of Valencia.
  2. Master in Management Control and Finance in the University of Valencia.
Data sheet
Aura Labor