The Aura Labor project arose as a result of the strategic decision to diversify the teachings that were being offered by the Ecotourism Hotel School entity. In this way, this entity continues to focus on the field of training in hospitality and tourism, while the new entity Aura Labor has been accredited by Labora in a series of professional certification programs related to various sectors of activity. Specifically, it has focused on professional families such as Socio-cultural Services and Community, Administration and Management, Commerce and Marketing, Information Technology and Communications, Physical and Sports Activities, Agriculture, Security, and the Environment.

Similarly, the Aura Labor entity is registered in the State Registry of Training Entities to provide training not included in the catalog of training specialties, with code 24090, within the initiative of Training Programmed by Companies, professional training for employment different from the training specialties included in the Catalog of training specialties.
To achieve this, the following principles have been defined regarding Quality Objectives:
- Ensure the future of our organization and the jobs of our own and collaborating staff through economic balance.
- Provide customer-oriented services at all levels of the organization.
- Anticipate and offer intelligent solutions to our clients.
- Pursue continuous improvement at all levels of the organization, making Quality a fundamental element of our culture.
- Develop service improvement programs, taking into account the Quality-Service relationship to meet our customers' expectations, as well as compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
- Take advantage of all innovations that allow us to seize the opportunities offered by the market.
- Reduction of Non-Conformities.
- Establishment of actions and programs aimed at prevention rather than just problem detection.
- Support, motivate, involve, and hold our own and collaborating staff accountable for achieving our objectives.
- Establish ongoing training programs that allow us to have highly qualified personnel to perform activities within the Management System.
- Maintain constant contact with our clients in order to collaborate jointly in the continuous improvement of the service and evaluate their level of satisfaction with our service.
- Continuously optimize the overall organization's process through continuous and selective growth oriented towards success.
The Management will establish within the Quality Policy of Aura Labor the plans and resources necessary to achieve the objectives set out in its Policy.
The Management Manual is the document that contains the philosophy and guidelines of the Management System. It is the responsibility of all Aura Labor personnel to comply with what is established in it.
The Management of Aura Labor delegates to the quality manager the implementation and verification of the Management System, for which he/she will have the authority and independence necessary for its performance.
Download Aura Labor quality policy document